Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

ProofInUse Joint Laboratory

Participants : Claude Marché [contact] , Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Andrei Paskevich.

ProofInUse is a joint project between the Toccata team and the SME AdaCore. It was selected and funded by the ANR programme “Laboratoires communs”, starting from April 2014, for 3 years http://www.spark-2014.org/proofinuse .

The SME AdaCore is a software publisher specializing in providing software development tools for critical systems. A previous successful collaboration between Toccata and AdaCore enabled Why3 technology to be put into the heart of the AdaCore-developed SPARK technology.

The goal is now to promote and transfer the use of deduction-based verification tools to industry users, who develop critical software using the programming language Ada. The proof tools are aimed at replacing or complementing the existing test activities, whilst reducing costs.

CIFRE contract with Adacore

Participants : Claude Marché [contact] , Andrei Paskevich, Claire Dross.

Jointly with the thesis of C. Dross, supervised in collaboration with the AdaCore company, we established a 3-year bilateral collaboration contract, that ended in April 2014.

The aim was to strengthen the usability of the Alt-Ergo theorem prover in the context of the GnatProve environment for the verification of safety-critical Ada programs [84] . A focus was made on programs involving Ada containers [85] . C. Dross defended her PhD in April 1st 2014 [14] .